
Day 25. More Mint.

Agh!!  We're getting so close to the end of the month!

My fun-a-day project will be done but I am hoping to keep up all my work in my studio.  Probably not until 1 AM most mornings....makes me way to sleepy,  but hopefully lots of projects and sewing to come!

So anyway, here is my project for the day!

Mint scallop shorts!  Hooray!

I guess I really have a color palette I'm drawn to in my wardrobe more than I realized....

Well what I did for this project was basically just cut the scalloped edge at desired edge.  I just backed the fabric first so that they wouldn't fray when I cut them, but I didn't hem them!  I'm not entirely sure if that will work, but it looks good so far!  I think it might work....well, who knows really.  Probably my Momma, but we'll ask her another time.  Now it's time for bed.

Total Time: 30 Minutes
Total Money Spent: $2
Outcome: Minty High Waisted Shorts

1 comment:

  1. Love the scallop edges how cute is that ! Wonderful job there............looks great also against the black tights !!!
