

I've been sitting in my backyard with a lovely breeze flowing through the trees and on my face.  Addie is biting and rolling around back here with me, the birds are chirping, and I've realized how nice it is to have a little piece of the outside to call your own.  Especially for those of us who live in a city, we definitely know how important it is to be out with grass & trees & a little bit of wild life.

All this being said, I thought I would post about the brunch Alex & I threw for the mothers in our life a couple of weeks ago.  We had a brief day where both of our moms, and a grandmother, were all in town - and grabbed the opportunity to bring everyone together.

It is always fun to bring the people you love together & bring a little of the inside, outside.


Wine Bottles & Sprouts.

I just finished putting in our little garden fence this afternoon & although I can't take credit for the idea, I love it.

Completed Garden Fence.

The rest of the wood was just rummaged up from our backyard....for some reason there is a plethora of wood laying around.  Lucky for us, our garden fence cost $0.  It probably took me about 4 hours to get all of the labels off of the bottles so I suppose I paid for the fence in time, but I rather like the result.

Cork Veggie Markers.
I also have a bunch of corks laying around from the bottles, and I stuck them into a skewer and wrote on them to mark which veggie is which.  Also cost $0.  I win!   

Hooray for veggie gardens & wine.  

(Don't worry Mom, we didn't drink all this wine-  I took them all from the restaurant, I swear.)



So this really has nothing to do with crafts, making anything, inspiring & is basically irrelevant in every way possible.  BUT it's too weird & hilarious not to note.

This is the headline that peaked my interest;
"Orvillecopter takes flight: Cat run over by car gets extra life...as a remote-controlled helicopter"
(There is a couple videos attached to this article that should definitely get a looksy.)

Nope, this is not an Onion article, this is real life.

An artist in Amsterdam, by the name of Bart Jansen, made his cat who was suddenly hit by a car, into a helicopter.  At first I was appalled & weirded out, but then I thought it was actually pretty funny in a morbid, kind-of-awful way.  

I then heard an interview with him, and he certainly sounds like a nutty artist, but he finds it very silly too, so I guess that's a good thing...?  I don't know but it definitely is a conversation piece.