
Vest to Clutch.

Unfortunately I didn't think to take a before picture of the vest that I just made into a clutch...but I'm sure we can all visualize Clint Eastwood riding on up into town in something similar.

Here it is;

It even has a cute pocket from the front of the vest.
New vintage cowboy boots from Toronto too!

I love working with recycled leather pieces.  The idea of taking a lovely piece of suede that once belonged to Clint Eastwood (a stretch you say?...maybe.), and turning it into a boyishly charming clutch is so perfect for me.  Obviously it's just my taste.  

A little close-up.

As you can see, Buffalo has been a bit on the dreary side of things recently.  Fortunately, I don't think this gray warm gloom is here to stay...but we shall see.  I think a big storm is on it's way, which means lots of projects to be done here.  

Keep warm and cozy!


Shoes Shoes Shoes.

Yesterday, Alex and I went to the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto!  Thursday nights are pay-what-you-can from 5 to 8, and we took the chance to check it out cheaply.

Shoes belonging to past celebrities.  From the left - Elton John (duh), Etta James, Madonna, Elvis Presley, Sarah McLachlan, John Lennon, Barbara Streisand, and Justin Bieber.  I know you are probably most excited to see Bieber's shoesies - all you Beliebers out there.

Aside from the celebrity shoe, they also had shoes from past civilizations and cultures..

Those crazy spikey shoes, were worn to break open chestnuts.  Not as crazy as they look huh?


The special collection was Roger Vivier - a major game-changer and visionary in ladies shoes.

The man himself.
Started the thigh-high boot.

Just a lady and her cheetah.

From sketch - to production - to the market.

Looking at all of these shoes, from old to new, from working man to athlete to celebrity.... I was re-inspired.  It just makes me want to create beautiful works and celebrate other beautiful works of art.

Thank you to Toronto, to inspiring me even more.  And for just being awesome.

And also for that guy singing (barking?) the Cranberries "Zombie" at the karaoke bar we went to last night.  That was especially inspirational.


I Scream, You Scream.

I made vegan ice cream!  

I know it doesn't really count as a craft of any sort, but I thought it was worth sharing either way.  Plus I'm so excited about it, I had to share!

My new ice cream maker hard at work.

Finished Vanilla vegan ice cream, smothered in peanuts.

Why the vegan?  Well it's literally half the calories, and also Alex & I have done the vegan thing for the month of January.  It's going really well and while cheese and eggs might make their way back into my diet, vegan ice cream is here to stay!

Alex & the weasel lady eating some of the ice cream.
Also, it tastes delicious!  The only difference was the texture which was slightly chalky, but the taste was absolutely scrumptious.

She is just no good.

Success!  Thanks Dad & Mary for the ice cream maker - its AWESOME!


New Scarf & New Hairs.

Scarf & Short Hair.

This is last weeks project due to my camera problems and my new short hair.  Alas my camera is fixed and my hair is so light and extra fluffy. 

 I know its doesn't look that different, but it was a whole seven inches of hair!  It feels like a new world to me.  

And my newly finished scarf is extra super toasty on a cold cold day like today.  Hope everyone keeps warm today!


A Little Bit of This, and a Little Bit of Middle Earth.

Guess what I just saw tonight?!  No, it wasn't Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D, good guess though.

The Hobbit! (A month late - I know, I know.)

And I really enjoyed it.  It was exactly what I wanted from that movie and it made me so weirdly nostalgic for my youth.  Both reading the books and watching the movies was such a prominent memory of mine...even listening to the score from the movies.  Don't judge me.

On second thought, do judge me - I saw The Two Towers 4 times in the theater.  A grand total of 12 hours spent watching the same movie within the same month... I just love them!

Alright alright, but what really inspired me this time around was the use of luxurious heavy fabrics and leathers.  It just makes me want to bundle up and wear nothing but those beautiful velvets and make gorgeous carpetbag style handbags.

So much texture & depth from every costume.
What I'm really trying to say is that I'm currently having camera issues so I cannot post what I made this week - which is a lovely scarf!  Photos to come as soon as I can fix the issue at hand.  Also, I'm a giant nerd.  

I'll just leave you on this note;
Beard Necklace.  


DIY Foxes on Your Dress.

On my usual round through the internet and blogosphere, I stumbled upon this tutorial.  They embroidered little foxes all over this plain dress. This is ADORABLE.

How charming is this?  I'll take 6 please. - {frolic!}
This was a collaboration between {frolic!} and a couple other wonderful and creative people.  I love the idea of taking a basic knit dress and adding these cute teensy faces.

Images from {frolic!} blog.

Thank you {frolic!} for inspiring a little morning creativity with my coffee.


Hair Love.

So I've grown my hair out now for about 2 years, and in that time have really loved styling it in crazy long and complicated braids.

This is not me.  Yes I have done this. And no, it didn't look this good.   -From Hair Romance

Naturally, now I'm ready to chop it all off.  Afraid that I wouldn't have as much fun with it, I've been reluctantly putting this off for months.  Fortunately, I stumbled upon this blog and another and they have given me the push that I need to make the decision.

Medium length hair inspiration. - From Hair Romance

Hair Romance is the cutest hair blog I've laid my eyes on.  Ever.

The other awe inspiring hair/beauty blog that is adorable is The Small Things Blog.

She always has super cute hair, and I can't stand it.  (Meaning I love it.) - From the Small Things Blog

Chopping it all off on Thursday. Well, cutting it nicely and lovingly to a manageable medium length.

Thanks beautiful haired ladies.


Come On Bring It 2013.

First - Hope your holidays were wonderful and wishing you a happy happy new year!

Second, I am feeling the push to start this year off right!  And well, first things first - I am getting back to doing what I love so much.  That would be creating handmade goods and getting my life on track!

So in the spirit of starting 2013 off, I'm am going to make something every week.  The first year of my blog I did this and I feel like if I don't really push myself in that direction, it won't ever happen.  So here it goes!

Wish me luck!

(Words of encouragement always welcome.)

Family Christmas Picture!  - Thanks to Sarah Jane Barry for this!