
Studio Update.

I did some organization yesterday.  It makes my studio feel a little bit more like a reflection of myself.
Here it is;

Looks a little neater.
I used old cereal boxes and some cardstock to make the trays and folder carriers, and then covered them with paper.  I like the result.  Hooray for organization!


Busy Busy.

I have been trying to get our apartment just the way I want it recently.  It's really coming along, and it makes me feel so good to be home in this space that is uniquely ours.

Anyway, here is our new dining room.

Before color was off white, did not match our bright white table.

After color!

It's a lovely light sage green, and it makes it feel a little more like ours.  I know it seems like doing a lot to a place that we won't live forever, but I love feeling like it is completely our space.  It makes a big difference.  In addition, tonight we christened the new dining room by eating a wonderful homemade dinner by candlelight.  What's better to do when it's snowing like crazy outside? 


New Headboard, & Other News.

I picked up this old headboard at a Thrift Store a couple of months ago with the plan to remake it for our guest room.  Of course it sat in my studio for about two months, and being that it is now a new year, I  am trying very hard to get organized.  Basically, I remade this headboard to get it out of the way.  But what a nice way to get it out of the way!

Here is the Before;

Before Retro Vinyl Yellow Headboard.


My New Guest Room Headboard!

A Closer Look.

I love it.  My mom had given me this fabric a while ago, and it works perfectly for this room!  I love it when things work out.

In other news, Alex and I bought a new car!

Our New Baby, Gladys.

We bought a brand new (to us) 2009 Subaru Forester.  And I love it.  As you can see, we did get quite a bit of snow the past few days, but it is nothing Gladys cannot handle.  Bring on the snow Buffalo.


Cutest Smoke Alarm. Ever.

Look at this!

Order here for about 50 Euro.

It's actually a smoke alarm!  I love it.  I'm gonna need one in every room.

Pretty much the sweetest thing ever.

It is based on a chick-a-dee which have various warning calls.  Chick-a-dees used to let miners know when poisonous gases were harmful, so why not put one in your house?

Goodness gracious I love birds.  



Starting fresh in this new year means some change.

For me, I have a little more free time, I have made a serious commitment to setting up an online shop, and I'm gonna buy my first car (with no parental help, well...not much at least).  Change for my blog of course is natural and I am going to use it as an inspiration tool.  I will post projects whenever they come up along with other whats-its and oddities.  This week amongst a somewhat busy timeline, I made room for a quick makeover.

Along with the makeover we did some Buffalo exploring, we had friends visit for a couple of nights, and we took Addie to her first trip to Niagara Falls!

When I say quick makeover, I mean that very loosely because all and all the project took us about 5 hours...  It did pay off though.  It looks SO much better.  See?

Before Kitchen Window.
Ta- Da.

After Kitchen Window!


Pardon the dirty dishes.

We have the luxury in living in an old Buffalo house that I adore, but it certainly looks better with a fresh coat of paint over some of the beat up bits.  Just this whitewash makes the whole kitchen lighter.  Of course we now have to do the cabinets.....ugh.  Painting is so bitter sweet.  

Some other highlights;

Our walk through Delaware Park.

I love this Buffalo mansion.  Lions live here.
Our friends, Alex & Addie getting misted.

Exploring Niagara Falls Park.

Always beautiful.

I'm a happy bear.



"When you're feeling blue, wear red." - said the american designer Pauline Trigere.

I couldn't agree more.

Being that it is the first cold day we've had in Buffalo, this is the time of year when everyone starts to hibernate and perhaps feel a little blue.  Not that blue isn't just fine, but red is to needless to say, fabulous.

Take it from some of my favorite style icons.

Bridget Bardot - Somehow makes pigtails look sexy - Playful Red.

Jackie O - Somehow makes smoking/balancing/taking a picture look adorable- Casual Red.

Elizabeth Taylor - Loved love, and diamonds - Girl Next Door Red.

Daphne Guinness - Wearing 10 yards of fabric look effortless - Avant-Garde Red.

Grace Kelly - Nothing to say other than beautiful - Classic Red.

Greta Garbo - Just Plain Romantic Red.
Don't these ladies make you wanna wear red?


2012 Manifesto.

In the spirit of resolutions and all the New Year stuff, I present this!

Made by Aileen of CreatingClever.com - Here is the Post!

I didn't make this but I absolutely love it.  I'm thinking I might make one like it.  

Sometimes all you need is a little inspiration.  

Happy 2012!

Another year has slipped by, and I'm somehow always caught off guard.  This was an amazing year with some definite highs and lows, but I think I'm ready for a fresh start.

About a year ago I started this blog, and it definitely served its purpose.  I have created so many various things over the course of 2011 and I'm happy to say I think I did a pretty good job.  So I may have slacked off recently, but only with the posting, definitely not with the creating (I tried to make every Christmas gift, and almost did it successfully!).  And maybe there were some other lulls in the year....but these things are hard....

This year I plan to do a bunch more projects, and incorporate more inspiration pieces/anything else I find and like into this blog.  And of course pictures of my dog and kitties, cause I'm sure everyone is just dying to see them.  They are all just sooo cute.

I hope everyone else had as good of a New Year's Eve as I did, and also a very good year in general.  Let's hope that 2012 brings more good things for us.

Here are some (overdue) pictures of our new baby girl Addie.

She loves Christmas sweaters.  You can tell, right?