
A Good Book.

I recently had my first day working at a library, and all I can say is that it makes you want to read read read.  That, and it being winter in western New York all I want to do is keep warm and snuggle with a good book and my little weasel doggie.  

By April Starr of FlourishCafe

This stuff is too cute, and I've recently had a minor obsession with typography and stationary......so it's an all around win in my book.  


Valentine's Day.

Can you think of any better way to spend Valentine's Day then curled up in a fort with candles all around you, takeout sushi, cake, champagne and a movie?  I can't.  So that is exactly what we did.

This year's love fort;
Our Fort.

Complete with a mix CD from Alex, and a good feel good movie.  Forts have become a little tradition for us, and it couldn't be more perfect.


New Cardigan.

What I'm wearing today;  my new cardigan.

It's nothing special, but it completes this outfit, and goes with this skirt I bought a while ago.

Cardigan: Thrifted
Skirt: Two Hearts
Belt: Vintage Versace
I love my new cardigan.


Magnets and Fur.

My Momma and her pup have been here this week visiting and recovering from a minor surgery.  We've done lots of dog walking, lots of shopping, a good amount of time eating delicious food and just generally spending time together.  It's been really fun.  And our dogs have been crazy and keeping each other very very very busy.

Monsters on the Bed.

We've been mostly keeping up with our crazy doggies, but I did have time to make some simple magnets for our fridge.

Just to hold pictures of our animals and our friends.  
These are simple and cute.  They also are better than any magnets that I've bought from the store too.  It's a win win.  I'm gonna go cuddle with those doggers.