
Here We Are.

So I know that I have been sucky with my blogging recently, but you know, life is pretty tricky sometimes.

As you will see, this weeks craft gave me some problems.  Well not actually the dress itself, but the picture taking sure did.

Here is the before - a nice but kind of lame dress that cannot be worn as is.

Before Dress.
I know, I'm posing like an early 90's sitcom freeze frame, but in my defense my photographer (aka my poor boyfriend who gets dragged in to taking pictures of me) is out of town for the weekend.  Needless to say having my nice camera stacked on a precarious pile of books on self timer made me a little nervous.  Especially after the next picture.

That fuzzy gray thing in the front - that's my curious little kitty Anza.
So with Anza sniffing and batting at my nice camera atop a high stack of books, you can understand why the after pictures are taken on my laptop.  Notice me laughing at her in this picture - she is always up to no good. 

That being said, here is the after shirt!  (Sorry about the terrible quality, but you understand, or does not everyone have evil demon kitties set out to destroy all the nice things in your house?)

After Shirt! - Project #34
I cut off the sleeves and shortened it to a better length, now it is a nice long lightweight shirt!  Hooray!  And kitty did not destroy anything (yet!).

This is the picture I took right before this one, guess who was curious about the camera on my computer too?

Right after I kicked her off my laptop keyboard.  
Moral of this post is don't get kitties.  Or maybe just get good ones.  Ha.  

Yeah right.


  1. Anonymous8/10/2011

    You have officially bean added to my favorites bar. :)

    I made a cat scratcher like yours for my new kittens, but it was a little too tall and not wide enough (I ran out of carboard). So, I stuck pipe cleaners through the middle and made it a kitty bonzai tree, which they adore! Win win!

  2. Anonymous8/10/2011

    bean. ha! BEEN


  3. Haha - Yay! Kitties love that stuff. And they are always bad. Always.
    Congrats on your new kitty! And thanks for the blog love:)
