
One Day.

Sitting inside on this glorious day, makes a girl dream.

Ooooo boy, how much fun does that look?!  I wish I wish I wish!

Photo Care of treehugger.com
So much fun right?

On a different note, look at these kitties?  I think that I've been drawing too much inspiration from them recently - yesterday I took a 2 hour nap!  They make me sleepy just looking at them.  
Bookend Lazybone Kitties.
This is what they do all day, everyday.  Anza and Dr. Bruce at their best.  Doesn't that look wonderful?


  1. One day you will be featured at the Renegade Craft Fair!!! I just know it :) Your crafts are all so personalized & fun! You will have a following before you even know it!

  2. Wow, Anza looks a lot bigger than I remember. And The Good Doctor looks very professional, as usual.

  3. Oooo I just saw these comments! Yay, I hope to be at the Renegade Craft Fair soooo badly. Also, Anza is big. She is a monster and is no good. Brucey normally has his shirt and tie on, but he was unwinding after a hard day at the office. Life is hard when you are a big fat kitty.
