
Old & New

Before Dress

Project #10 - After Dress
I chronically buy vintage dresses/shirts/skirts/bedding, and then keep them sitting around the house hoping that some day I will find the inspiration to actually make them into something I love.  Well, I am actually doing it!  Or trying to at least....

This is a dress that I thrifted a while back because I love the fabric, and it fit me well, but I wasn't that crazy about the cut.  In about an hour and a half, I made a sort of baby doll dress that I love and will actually wear.  With just a few cuts, seams, and adjustments, it was really quite easy to make something better.  All week this week I am going to try (try being the key word) and make something new, out of something old.  Here we go...

If you like this post, you should check out this blog - ANewDressADay - She bought one dress for $1 for an entire year, and every day made a new dress out of it.  I can't believe some of the beautiful things she makes from some of the most hideous dresses I've ever laid eyes on.


  1. Heather Dale3/20/2011

    I love this dress, and it looks fantastic on you! I hope to some day be able to do what you are doing. I too buy/store old dresses, shirts, skirts, and fabrics in the hopes of making them into something cool. At least I've got my sewing machine working!! Rock on Kay :)

  2. Thank you! It definitely takes a lot of motivation for me to actually do it, but then I almost always like the results. In the end it is always worth it!

  3. Love, love, love iiiit!
    I have so many skirts lying around that fit this description... sometimes I wish there was more time in a day.
    The after dress looks so great on you! The scoop neck is perfect. The dress was okay before & now it's fab!
