
Shoe Tub.

"Audrey" Shoe Bathtub - By SICIS

Covered in glass tile mosaic.  I'm in love.


Wrap Up.

This was a crazy week of cutting, sewing, ripping, trying on, and then doing that over and over again.  It was a fun series of makeovers, but today I decided I would just enjoy all my new clothes.  I now have a new found appreciation for A New Dress A Day blog too - that was a lot of work!  I only did it for 6 days, I can't imagine an entire year.
Anywho, crafting has to take the back seat to Dexter season 3.  It's ridiculously addictive.



Polyester Stewardess Dress - Before
Jumper Dress After - Project #16
Another jumper dress.  I guess I really like that style.  It works for every season, with a sweater and tights in the winter, or just as is in the summer.
Also, those are little doggie butts in the corner.  They like the attention and commotion when we are taking pictures.  They are too precious.


Here We Go Again.

Silk Nurse Scrub - Before
Sass Shirt After - Project #15
I love silky old lady shirts.  I love the way they feel.  I love the way they look.  I guess, I just love shine.  And we all know how much I like a good off the shoulder look.  
Put the two together, and ta da.  

Only two more to go for the week of old to new!


Well Why Not.

Frump City - Before

Jumper Dress After - Project #14
I'm not sure at all what made me buy this dress when I did, but now I'm glad I did.  I guess it was the print that I was attracted to, but when I pulled this out of my heap of thrifted "to-be-fixed" clothes I had no idea where to start.  First of all it was a good 4-5 sizes too big.  Way too long.  And all around, the frumpiest in the pile.  Now I love it however, so I must have known it had potential even if it did take a lot of work to get there.

In other news, my boyfriend got in to one of the Grad Schools he applied to!  That means that at least we have some sort of plan - and I'm ecstatic!  I'm also unbelievably proud of him.  He has a good brain that one.


A Brand New Shirt. Kind Of.

Silky Old Lady Tee - Before

After - Project #13
What can I say, I'm a child of the 80's.  That being said I still very much love cutting a shirt off at the neckline for some off the shoulder goodness.  I just think that showing a little shoulder can be so sexy, yet still very comfortable and effortless.  
At least now that I'm 24 I hem the edges, and I'm not wearing a sports bra underneath it a la Flashdance.
But still, this transformation probably happens too much over here, but I can't get enough of it.

Giant Clothespin.

Clothespin sculpture designed by Turkish artist Mehmet Ali Uysal in Leige, Belgium
I love this so much.  It doesn't seem like it could be real.  
I love when reality seems like a dream.


And Voila.

Before - Lovely 70's Frock 

After Dress - Project #12
I loved this dress just the way it was when I bought it.  Then I realized how it looked on.  Not so good. 

It was probably the easiest so far to change, and I really like the outcome.  I just cut off the sleeves, followed the natural neckline and done!  Very easy, and I'm not entirely sure why I hadn't done this before when I bought it, but then again, I easily get in to shows/movies/reading/doing-nothing/napping/shopping/etc.  Basically I get side-tracked.  

On the plus side, I now have three new dresses!


Another Day, Another Dress.

Ugly Marm Dress - Before

Cute Dress - After - Project #11
I loved the color and neckline of this dress when I bought it, which was probably about 6-8 months ago.  I told myself I would make some small adjustments when I got it home that day, and here we are much, much later.  This dress did take me a little longer to change, but I think it was worth it.  It needed a little more love than my dress from yesterday.

Even though it did take me about half a year to make said adjustments, I do still love the color, especially paired with buttery yellow.  Now all I need is warm weather!


Old & New

Before Dress

Project #10 - After Dress
I chronically buy vintage dresses/shirts/skirts/bedding, and then keep them sitting around the house hoping that some day I will find the inspiration to actually make them into something I love.  Well, I am actually doing it!  Or trying to at least....

This is a dress that I thrifted a while back because I love the fabric, and it fit me well, but I wasn't that crazy about the cut.  In about an hour and a half, I made a sort of baby doll dress that I love and will actually wear.  With just a few cuts, seams, and adjustments, it was really quite easy to make something better.  All week this week I am going to try (try being the key word) and make something new, out of something old.  Here we go...

If you like this post, you should check out this blog - ANewDressADay - She bought one dress for $1 for an entire year, and every day made a new dress out of it.  I can't believe some of the beautiful things she makes from some of the most hideous dresses I've ever laid eyes on.


St. Patrick.

Limerick Lass Dress - Courtesy of ModCloth
Well, I am not Irish (to my knowledge and as a true American mutt, I very well could have some in me), but as a crafter and decorator of all things fun/holiday, I can definitely get behind some St. Patty's Day fun.  I wish I were wearing this wonderful green and white dress and frolicking in a grassy Irish field, but instead I'm just wearing a green tank top, and enjoying my morning coffee in a not-so-green part of the world.  Maybe next year?  
St. Walter Bearton - Enjoying a good holiday costume.
Hope you have a wonderful St. Patty's Day!



Project #9  - Jewelry Tree
After I spent a few too many dollars on figuring out both pretty ways to store my jewelry, and practical ways, I thought I would get creative.  I did some twig hunting, and found this one which ended up being  perfect for storing jewelry.  It's plain, natural, and beautiful.  Perfect for storing lots and lots of earrings.

Hope you're "spring ahead" lost hour today brought you some spring.....it's still a long way away up here...but at least the day is a little bit longer!  Until then, here's some pretty winter white!


More Winter. Of Course.

Project #8 - Knitted Hat
You might think that now would be a good time to get out my spring stuff, and put away my heavy winter gear.  Well, I was feeling like that, but then today it literally started dumping feet of snow out of the sky.  So here we are, and here I am, with one more wonderful warm hat.  This is the first time I have attempted knitting anything more complicated than a scarf, and I rather like the way it turned out.  

What I'm getting at is... happy snow...?  Maybe instead... think spring?  Ooof.

Photo Credit - my very wonderful (and patient) boyfriend.



Flower and Bow Leather Earrings - by Whym
One of my wonderful and talented friends that I made during my studies, has begun her very own line of leather goods, and I think they are absolutely darling.  I love these handmade leather earrings she has made, and I thought I would share the good news with the world! And by world, I mean mostly my family and close friends who actually read this.
She is a workaholic and all her hard work is paying off!  
Here is her Etsy shop if you are interested in purchasing her cuteness.  Kudos to Whym!